Torah Restoration Ministries

Evangelist Daniel John Lee

And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write -- These things says He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens.  I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name . . ."


Pleonastic Torah

Definition: (adjective) Repetition of the same sense in different words.
Synonyms: redundant, tautological
Usage: "A true fact" and "a free gift" are pleonastic expressions.

YHVH often hammers home a point in Torah through repitition.  He knows how easy it is for us to forget, so He designed a very pleonastic Torah in order to repeat over and over what He desires.

For example, we read in the gospels and epistles of the Torah of Moshe AND the Law of Christ.  Whereas Christians try to make these two seperate things, YHVH is merely being pleonastic as he reminds us of His Law.

In Deut 30 we read about how the Law is near us, in our mouths, and we can do it.

Again, in Romans 10, Apostle Paul uses a pleonastic literary device by requoting this passage but inserting Christ in place of the commandment, thus equating Christ with the Torah of Moshe.  They are one and the same.

All through the Torah we read of repititions.  YHVH, several times, in several different ways, reminds us to keep the shabbat and those who do not shall be cut off from Yisrael.  Is YHVH being uselessly redundant?  Evdiently not, for Yisrael abandoned and forgot the sabbath often which ultimately resulted in her judgment by Assyria and Babylon.

In Deut we read of Moshe often reading the Torah of Moshe in the ears of the people -- a pleonastic habit to drill the commandments into the minds of the hearers.

We are commanded to meditate upon the Torah day and night, to write it upon our hearts and minds and upon the very walls of our homes.  This pleonastic drilling is necessary so we can fully absorb the Torah and walk in its ways.

Over and over again, Yah repeats His commandments, urging His people to walk in His ways or perish.

Dare we ignore the pleonastic Torah?  Dare we put YHVH to the test by refusing his redundancies?  What excuse will we give on judgment day when we have refused the Torah AND the many repititions of the same?