Torah Restoration Ministries

Evangelist Daniel John Lee

And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write -- These things says He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens.  I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name . . ."



Feast of Sukkot 2018


Happy 1st Day of Sukkot: Near Anchorage, Alaska In My Sukkah

When Messiah Rules A Sukkot 2018 Song


Day 1 Sukkot: How the Zoom Prayer Meeting Went

Day 1 Sukkot: Wonders of Alaska Waterfall


Pedophile Deep State Mails Itself Bombs to Frame President Trump

Maxine Waters the Pedophile Protector

Inside the Alyeska Resort: Day 2 Sukkot 2018

People Keep Asking Me About Book of Enoch

Singing in the car: Seward Highway Part 1, Part 2

Wanna See Some Alaska Reindeer (Caribou)?

The Mirrored Lake of Dreams: Sukkot Day 2

Wanna See Some Alaska Wood Bison?

Wanna See Some Giant Alaska Brown Bears?

Wanna See An Alaska Black Bear?

Brown Bears Lumbering Toward Me

Alaskan Elk at the Feeding Trough

Mr Porcupine, Moose, Gold and White Foxes

Caged Eagle: Prohetic Picture of USA

A Menorah of Bison! Sukkot Day 2

Wishing Mr. Moose a Happy Sukkot

Reindeer On The Hills in the Mists of Alaska


MSM Blames MAGA Supporter for Bombs! WRONG!

Native Americans and Ancient Israel: Sukkot Day 3

Alleged Bomber is a registered DEMOCRAT

Soaring over Alaska in Helicopter -- Gift to My Subscribers

Safe Landing in Helicopter -- Gift to My Subscribers


Friday Night Shabbat Teaching: Testimony from Museum Visit

Menorah Carved on Native American Artifact

Philadelphia, Smyrna and Prophecy: The Way of Escape

Hand Tramming Across Gorge for Sabbath Hike!!!

John 7: Jesus Celebrating Sukkot

A New Sabbath Song for 4th Day of Sukkot

Slaughter at Synagogue Used to Blame Q and Trump

Leaked Oct 28th: DOJ Memo Exposing Mueller for His Crimes


First Day of Snow: Sukkot Day 5

Driving Through Whittier Tunnel: Sukkot Day 5

Woman Delivered from Devils, Sunset in Homer, Alaska


Sukkot Day 6 Part 1: Sunrise in Homer: Psalm 97

Sukkot Day 6 Part 2: On the Boat to the Glacier

Sukkot Day 6 Part 3: Towering Mountains From the Boat

Sukkot Day 6: Part 4 Landing on the Island

Sukkot Day 6 Part 5: Hiking on the Beach

Sukkot Day 6 Part 6: At the Glacier and Ice Bergs

Sukkot Day 6 Part 7: More At This Spectacular Glacier

Sukkot Day 6 Part 8: Hiking Over the Golden Waters

Sukkot Day 6 Part 9: Descending the Mountain Island

Sukkot Day 6 Part 10: The Valley of Sunlit Water

Sukkot Day 6 Part 11: The Oaken Footbridge

Sukkot Day 6 Part 12: Down on the Shore

Sukkot Day 6 Part 13: The Journey Back to Homer

Sukkot Day 6 Part 14: Back Where I Began

Operation Oct 31st: 8th Day Sukkot: Updates


Maine Police Chief Rapes 4 Year Old: Needs to be Executed

Reflections and Song on Pre Dawn Homer Beach

The Light Pierces the Darkness: Sukkot Day 7

Reading A Short Chapter From My New Thriller: Hollywood Burning

And so the Last Great Day Begins....8th Day Sukkot


Lighting Menorah for 8th Day of Sukkot

Yahshua's Holy Days vs satan's holidays: Parents and Children

Massive Prayer Requests Speedily Answered: Updates!!

The Prophetic Hebrew Calendar for 2019 Shouts Revival

7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Thunders, 7 Bowls: Revelation



 It's all about Yahshua