Torah Restoration Ministries

Evangelist Daniel John Lee

And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write -- These things says He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens.  I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name . . ."


The Sukkot That Never Ends: Fall of 2013 Until the Safe Place in Spring of 2014



Yah showed me that just as the federal government will never re-open again (or at least never re-open in the manner that it operated before the shutdown) so too will Sukkot 2013 never spiritually end for the pure hearts.  The Sukkot from 10/20-10/27/2013 will continue spiritually, as a "sukkot tunnel" connecting this fall to when we all gather in the Safe Place on 4/10/14.  My 8th video to the 144,000 talks about being a turtle.  Turtles are unique in that they carry their shells or "homes"  or "sukkots" wherever they go.  In the same way, spiritually speaking, we will be entering Yah's covering, His Sukkot, and will continue to dwell in it from now until we gather in the ultimate Sukkot on earth -- the Safe Place in the Wilderness for 1260 Days per Revelation 12.  These 1260 days are from 4/10/14 through 9/21/17.  Yah will be encompassing us, enclosing us, putting us in His Protective bubble, even as chaos spins out of control around us from fall of 2013 until Spring of 2014.  We will experience Yah's protective Hand and guidance as never before.  He will give us new missions, and divine appointments.  He will lead and guide us as never before, until we at last are taken by His Chariots of Fire to the Safe Place.  



Episode 2: T-Minus 1 Day Till Yom Kippur

Episode 3: Yom Kippur 2013 - To Afflict Our Souls

Episode 4: Yom Kippur 2013 - True versus False Repentance

Episode 5: Yom Kippur 2013 - Zechariah 5, UFO's and the False Regathering!

Episode 6: Yom Kippur 2013 - The Image of the Beast

Episode 7: Yom Kippur 2013 - Final Words and Exhortations

Episode 8: The Daily Sacrifices in Book of Daniel

Episode 9: Government Shut Down Ends and Discerning Truth from Deception

Episode 10: Gifts Before Sukkot and More Insight on Apostate Utah Man

Episode 11: Feast of Ingathering - The Fall Fruit Harvest

Episode 12: Hearing Yah's Voice & Interpretation of Angelo's Waking Vision

Episode 13: Physical and Spiritual Application of Tzit Tzit Commandment

Episode 14: Preparing My Sukkah/Tabernacle

Episode 15: On the Eve of Sukkot - Genesis 33 and the Great Separation

Episode 16: Shabbat Drive to Bless the Pure Hearts

Episode 18: Day 2 Sukkot - Echad, Trinity, Oneness, etc Addressed

Episode 19: Sukkot 2013 Day 3 - You People Had Best Heed My Words

Episode 20: Day 3 Sukkot 2013 - What It Scripturally Means To Be Perfect

Episode 21: Sukkot 2013 - Day 3: 7-11 Corner Store = 2011 starts 7 Last

Episode 22: Day 4 - Sukkot 2013: Modest Dress for Men and Women

Episode 23: Prophetic Encounters at the Oregon Caves - Part 1 Sukkot Day 5

Episode 24: Prophetic Encounters at the Oregon Caves - Part 2 Sukkot Day 5

Episode 25: Prophetic Encounters at the Oregon Caves - Part 3 Sukkot Day 5

Episode 26: Sukkot Day 5 - Treehouse Hotel and Testimony

Episode 27: Sukkot Day 6 - Dawn at the Treehouse

Episode 28: Return to Oregon Caves & The Star of David: Day 6 Sukkot

Episode 29: Inside the Oregon Caves: Part 1 Day 6 Sukkot

Episode 30: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 2 Day 6 Sukkot

Episode 31: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 3 Day 6 Sukkot

Episode 32: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 4 Day 6 Sukkot

Episode 33: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 5 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 34: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 6 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 35: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 7 Day 6 Sukkot

Episode 36: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 8 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 37: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 9 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 38: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 10 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 39: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 11 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 40: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 12 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 41: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 13 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 42: Inside Oregon Caves: Part 14 Sukkot Day 6

Episode 43: Erev Shabbat - Day 7 Sukkot

Episode 44: You People Be Very Careful

Episode 45: I Need to Humble Myself in Public - Day 7 Sukkot

Episode 46: The Barley, The Wheat and The Tare - Part 1

Episode 47: The Barley, The Wheat and The Tare - Part 2

Episode 48: The Sukkot That Never Ends. . .

Episode 49: Iran 2 Weeks Away from Atom Bomb

Episode 50: Another Edifying Report on Skype Evening Gatherings

Episode 51: The Two Witnesses Will NOT Be Females!!!!!!!!

Episode 52: I Need To Humble Myself Once Again

Episode 53: Hybrid Solar Eclipse, 11/3/13, 8th New Moon, The Future

Episode 54: Word from Yahweh to Hypocrites of USA & Western Powers

Episode 55: 5 Hour Skype Evening Gathering Launches Major Revival

Episode 56: No Man Know the Day and the Hour of Yahshua's Return??? Clarification Time!!!!!

Episode 57: You People Need to Stop Being So Lazy!

Episode 58: 11/6/13 Evening Skype Gathering: Utterly Amazing!!!!!

Episode 59: Skype Gathering 11/7/13: Angelo and Daniel United!!!!

Episode 60: Final and Concluding Thoughts on Alisha and Lying Spirits

Episode 61: Attention to All Female Scripture Teachers on Youtube

Episode 62: Part 1 - Jeremiah 17 and Imaginations of the Heart

Episode 63: Part 2 - Jeremiah 17 and the Imaginations of the Heart

Episode 65: The Prophecies of Dumitru Duduman & Henry Gruver

Episode 66: Very Loving to Pray Evil on My Enemies!!!!

Episode 67: The Spirit of Delusion from Yah - 2 Thess 2:10-12

Episode 68: Part 1 - Helping You Understand Psalm 37

Episode 69: Part 2 - Helping you Understand Psalm 37

Episode 70: Part 1 - Satan Cast Down From Heaven to Earth

Episode 71: Part 2 - Satan Cast Down From Heaven to Earth

Episode 72: The Essence of the Gospel - Hebrews 8 and Jeremiah 31

Episode 73: Unshakable -  Trusting Yah When All Else Fails

Episode 74: Women Ministry from Genesis to Revelation

Episode 75: I Come Not to Bring Peace But A Sword

Episode 76: Update on Revival - Chariots of Fire

Episode 77: 2 Corinthians 8 and Apostle Paul Appealing for Money

Episode 78: Part 1 - Hosea 2 and The Safe Place: Valley of Achor

Episode 79: Part 2 - Hosea 2 and The Safe Place: Valley of Achor

Episode 80: daspecialist1220 (Angelo) and Exposing His False Prophecy

Episode 81: I Need to Humble Myself and Repent before All

Episode 82: 100% Proof Yahshua Returns in 2017

Episode 83: The Characteristics and Promises to the Philadelphian Believers

Episode 84: Part 1 - A Very Special Shabbat Podcast: Who I Am

Episode 85: Part 2 - Shabbat Podcast: Who I Am

Episode 86: I Corinthians 5:1-5 - Delivering My Enemies Over to Satan

Episode 87: Skype Fellowship Revival Report - The Baptism of Suffering

Episode 88: Skype Fellowship Revival Report - 2 Peter 2:20-22

Episode 89: PSU Newspaper Article - Cover Story: Daniel John Lee

Episode 90 - Update Skype Fellowship and Revival and PSU

Episode 91 - Jews Celebrating Hanukkah A Month Too Early in 2013!

Episode 92 - Update on Skype Fellowship Revival: Seraph

Episode 93 - Scottie Clark EternalRythmFlow LIES AGAIN!!!!!!!!

Episode 94 - Erev Shabbat Skype Revival Update: 11/22/13

Episode 95 - I Am A Modern Day Joshua Son of Nun